Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Power Vinyasa Yoga


In this 3-week course, you will learn and gain a solid foundation for your Power Vinyasa Yoga practice.  Power Vinyasa is a dynamic and fluid yoga practice that focuses on building strength and endurance as well as connecting breath to movement.  We will learn about and incorporate our yogic breathing into our Power Vinyasa Yoga practice which will allow us to connect with our body on a deeper level, and will also help us breathe more consciously beyond our mat.
Mary’s O’M Yoga philosophy is based on emotional release through our yoga practice.  She pairs together the physical endurance of our Power Vinyasa style with the emotional endurance that we gain as well.  She works with Intentions in her yoga that are woven throughout all aspects of our classes.  These classes will leave you feeling physically capable, as well as emotionally well-rounded, not excluding the spiritual and mental connection we gain on our mat, too.  Mary offers layers for all levels of students, she wants EVERYONE to feel capable to be on their mat regardless of level.  This course will allow you to do just that!  By the end of the 3 weeks, you will feel prepared to go beyond this course feeling comfortable in your newly gained Power Vinyasa Yoga experience.

